Gardening Accessories

Our gardening accessories category encompasses a broad range of products, with the following a small selection of our stock.

We have a range of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides including options that are kinder to the environment and suitable for organic gardening.  Fertilizers include typical staples such as Growmore, Fish Blood & Bone, Bonemeal and more specialised feeds including Tomato feeds, rose feeds and houseplant feeds.  Our Pesticides and herbicides range includes biocides and fungicides for preventing mildew and mould, and more general purpose products for tasks such as path maintenance.  If you require advice for a particular garden pest or situation please contact us or pop in or and ask a colleague for advice.

We have tools, including digging forks and spades, hand forks and trowels, secateurs, weed pullers, hoes and rakes.  We also stock items such as wellies, gloves and kneeling mats.

For those looking to grow from seed or cuttings we have a variety of general purpose, pots, trays modules propagators, and other growing accessories.

Also not wanting to forget the feathered visitors to our gardens and balconies, we have a bird-care range including bird feeders and bird feed.